Welcome to the International Event
Celebrate Teachers!
Download all the content to have your training event.
+52 55 1573 2969
How to download the videos?
Get a program to download the videos: we suggest TubeMate (for mobile), TubeCatcher (for PC) or whatever you can find in Play store or Apple store.

Event Manual
In this manual you will find a guide for the main sessions, tips to celebrate your students, and ideas of simple crafts to celebrate your teachers or leaders. You can print this or use it digitally.
Day 1
Welcome Video
Action Song: “Knock out my sin” Take the time to learn the actions together.
Session 1: The Victorius Champions
Activity: Paper award rosette. See the video, “How to make a Prize out of paper.” Then make some together as a team. Share with us: WhatsApp +52 55 1573 2969
Read Article: how to modify a program to do it online.
Choose 1 workshop to do among the 5 we offer:
Classroom Management, Memory Verse Games, 10 Tips to Make a Video Live, Super Easy Drawings, or Online Games.
Lunch Break
Singing with actions: Review “Knock out my sin”
Choose 2 workshops to do among the 5 we offer:
Classroom Management, Memory Verse Games, 10 Tips to Make a Video Live, Super Easy Drawings, or Online Games.
Activity: Make a Selfie stick tripod. Watch the video and do the activity together.
Have a special dinner together
Day 2
Action Song: “I’m Satisfied” Take the time to learn the actions together.
Puzzle and ideas to celebrate success with your students
Session 2: Celebrating Wins
Choose 2 workshops to do among the 5 we offer:
Classroom Management, Memory Verse Games, 10 Tips to Make a Video Live, Super Easy Drawings, or Online Games.
Singing with Actions: Review “I’m Satisfied”
Confetti Popper Activity: Watch the video, “How to make a mini confetti popper.” Now take the time to do it as a team.
Activity “Visitors Album” and motivational poster on the back cover
Time to Leave- Video
Lunch Break
Action Song: “Champions” Take the time to learn the actions together.
Optional Idea: Take the time to have a meeting for your Sunday school or your next VBS.
This schedule contains 2 sermons, and 2 action songs, the entire manual, 3 of the 5 workshops, and 2 of the 4 activities.
Welcome Video
Action Song: “Knock out my sin” Take the time to learn the actions together.
Activity “Visitors Album”
Session 1: The Victorious Champions
Activity: Watch the video “How to make a mini confetti popper.” Now take the time to do them as a team.
Share your mini confetti popper: WhatsApp +52 55 1573 2969
Choose 2 workshops to do among the 5 we offer:
Classroom Management, Memory Verse Games, 10 Tips to Make a Video Live, Super Easy Drawings, or Online Games.
Lunch Break
Action Song: “I’m Satisfied” Take the time to learn the actions together.
Paper Award Activity
See the video, “How to make a Prize out of paper,” and then make some together.
Session 2: Celebrating Wins
Choose 1 more workshop to do among the 5 we offer:
Classroom Management, Memory Verse Games, 10 Tips to Make a Video Live, Super Easy Drawings, or Online Games.
Read Article: How to modify a program to do it online.
Puzzle and ideas to celebrate success with your students
Time to Leave- Video
This schedule contains 2 sermons, 1 song, part of the manual, 1 of the 5 workshops, and 1 of the 4 activities.
Welcome Video
Sing with action, “Knock out my sin.”
Session 1: The Victorious Champions
Check out Puzzle and ideas to celebrate success with your students
Choose 1 workshop to do among the 5 we offer:
Classroom Management, Memory Verse Games, 10 Tips to Make a Video Live, Super Easy Drawings, or Online Games.
Activity “Visitors Album”
Share with us: WhatsApp +52 55 1573 2969
Session 2 Celebrating Wins
Confetti Popper Activity: Watch the video, “How to make a mini confetti cannon.” Now take the time to make them as a team.
Time to Leave- Video
Confetti Popper
You will only need a few simple materials to make a mini confetti popper and celebrate wins with your teachers.
Toilet paper tube or small bottle of soda (coca cola) (per person)
One balloon (per person)
Decoration paper
Colored papers for confetti
Scissors and glue
Actions Songs
In this event we will include three songs with actions "Knock out my sin", "I am Satisfied" and "Champions" so that together with us you can encourage yourself and praise God.
When I’m being mean And I won’t let you play
I need an uppercut To make it go away.
If I just got caught, And so I want to lie
I have to step right up And jab it in the eye.
If I’m getting soft Don’t want to read my books
I face my laziness And hit it with my hook.
When I’m angry now Because of what you do
To beat my attitude I use a cross or two.
Jesus Helps me win
He helps me Knock out my sin.
Do you want to hear more songs from “Champions by the Fruit of Spirit”?
I am satisfied, I am satisfied,
I am satisfied, with my God
I am satisfied because He’s good to me.
No need to fear, no need to fear,
No need to fear because I plan,
I plan to follow Him eternally.
Verse 1:
Walking in the jungle I see
Candy that I want so bad.
Hyena says, “Take some, yea!”
Elephant says, “Stealing makes you sad.”
Verse 2:
Jesus gives me every good thing
Everything I really need.
Coconuts, bananas, and grapes,
I am in His family.
I am satisfied!
I am satisfied!
I am satisfied!
I am satisfied!
Do you want to hear more songs from “Surviving the Jungle”?
// We can be champions over sin
Our coach can show us how to win
We can be champions
Always be champions
We fight against sin
We know we will win //
I don’t like my heart, I may not be smart,
I just want to know which way I should go.
But now that I hear, that God can be near,
And now that I’m saved, I can be brave.
We can be champions
Always be champions
We fight against sin
We know we will win
I just didn’t know, I recognize now
To do what I need with all that I read
Coach opened up my eyes, and I realized
That God helps us win the fight against sin.
Do you want to hear more songs from “Champions by the Fruit of Spirit”?
Main Sessions
"The Victorious Champions"
This is a sermon in this training to encourage you. God may speak to you using the example of the prophet Samuel and the life of David. Together “We celebrate the Triumph of a Champion”.
“Find the sermon notes in the main event manual.”
"Celebrate Wins"
In this sermon we want God to encourage you to celebrate your teachers. Together with Kristi Krauss, founder of Equip and Grow, you will receive not only ideas but also the desire to remain for many years in children’s ministry, serving from your heart.
“Find the sermon notes in the main event manual.”
One piece of a puzzle for each participant.
Super Easy Drawings

We all want to make our Bible stories a little better, with more creativity, and with something visual for the children. But we may not be artists, so we are looking for photos or printed color drawings. What if with a little help we can draw something simple? Suzanna Kangas can help you with some super easy drawings, and thus give more creativity to your class.
10 Tips to Make a Video Live
We have brought you 10 tips that can help you make your online class of children’s ministry crystal clear. You can benefit by putting them into practice since they are very specific about the areas that we need to have planned before starting the class.

Classroom Management

How to manage your class to have peace and fun. Sister Vickie Kangas wrote this beautiful workshop to help us apply strategies to maintain order and be a blessing.
Online Games
We know that you require online games to use during your virtual classes, but what do you think of receiving a bonus by also being able to use them in person. Use our new version of our online games by Jennifer Sánchez.

Memory Verse Games

Do your children like to memorize Bible verses? We share ideas of how to make your class more fun and exciting to memorize the verses of the Bible.
How to Make a Tripod
Long stick
Plaster of Paris or sand
Small – medium stones
Milk can
Small device for taking photos of selfies
Celebrate Teachers!
Thanks for joining us!
Our team is praying for you, hoping that the presence of God will give you that encouragement and you will continue to be encouraged to minister week after week in children's ministry. With love in Jesus Christ! "Equip & Grow" Team
Wait there is even more ...
Do you want a VBS?

Grab your binoculars, your travel backpack and get in the Jeep, because it’s time for a VBS in the jungle! The world around us is like a jungle, where we learn to survive even when others try to manipulate, steal, deceive or take advantage of us. However, we can be confident when we learn who we are in Jesus Christ.
Click on the button and discover the material we have for you.
Do you want a weekly study to disciple children?

Be a coach rather than a teacher, and it will inspire you to care deeply about each of your students in your class, and their progress as they strive to become champions.